Birthday + GH:WT Release + Halloween = Great Party
Three events came together in the same week: The latest Guitar Hero release, Halloween, and my birthday. So, Cheryl and I did what any sane person would do - we hosted a Rocker/Groupie themed Guitar Hero birthday party.
Guitar Hero World Tour is the latest installment in the Guitar Hero series, and unfortunately for EA most people do not know it has Drums/Vocals in addition to the traditional Bass/Guitar of the rest in the Guitar Hero series - clearly in direct competition with the Rock Band series. It's unfortunate they didn't pull together a name that would have made that more obvious. Even after having it since Thursday I still accidentally call it "Rock Band" myself. I imagine this is partly because the term "Guitar Hero" doesn't connote a full band game, and partly because Rock Band is a more obvious name for a band game etc...
Anyhow, I'll probably write a short review of it later, but ... back to the party.
We had a pretty good turnout, with the primary costume of choice being cowboy/cowgirl rockers. Kelly came as a pretty convincing Pat Benatar:
We had great participation, with sometimes up to three people working the drums. Here Megan's on foot pedal, Mona's on right cymbal, and Evan's driving the rest of the pads:
A Domo somehow made it into the house, and it seemed pretty eager to have some cake:
The first casualty in the game was a drum stick - I suppose I was drumming a bit harder than I should have... It is Rock and Roll though...
Henry and Trang lit up the vocals for a few songs. Henry's had Rock Band for a while, so he was pretty comfortable with Guitar Hero:
Kelly and Mick came down from Vancouver, so it was truly an international rock show:
And Mona created a great poster for the event!
Well, my focus will now shift to my upcoming Tanzania trip since it's only a few more days before I take the long flight over there. There are still a lot of minor logistics to nail down before heading out, so here's hoping we get everything together in time.
Until next time!
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