Sunday, September 12, 2010

Pro pics? Ha!

Cheryl printed out some pics we took of Kayla last week at the local Wallgreens, and when we went over to pick them up the clerk mentioned that they were identified as professional photographs. This meant Cheryl could not print them off without consent from the photographer.

I believe this is to avoid people scanning their Sears Portrait Studio prints (or equivalent) and getting them printed off much cheaper.

See ‘pro-pics’ below:

Now, this probably happens to anyone with a DSLR who’s taken a set up portrait, but I couldn’t stop laughing regardless. Cheryl politely said that these were our pics, and most certainly not taken by a professional photographer.

He asked who took the photo, Cheryl pointed to me, and he said: Ok, you will need to sign a release before we can let you take these.

At this point we both thought he was joking, but he went in the back room, pulled out a release form, and had me sign it. We paid for our photos, and left the shop laughing.

That was definitely a first.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have to admit,they do look pro,,,dad

3:49 PM  

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