Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Christmas in Seattle, and Sault Ste. Marie

This holiday season I went East on Christmas day, so I was in Seattle for Christmas morning, and Sault Ste. Marie for Christmas night.

Cheryl and I unwrapped our gifts on Christmas eve, which was really fun. She has a stocking which is still in storage in Vancouver, so instead we decided to make our own stockings out of a few paper bags. Pretty high tech...


We had to fly out early Christmas morning, so to catch Cheryl's 6am flight we had to wake up at the wee hour of 3:45am. My flight didn't leave until 8am, so I had 3 hours in the airport to enumerate the reasons I don't like flying. I bought a book to keep me company.

Once in Sault Ste. Marie I was able to relax. The flight was smooth, and the weather co-operated, so all was well. All my brothers made it home, so our biggest problem was to decide whether to open presents right away, or to wait until boxing day. We decided to wait which was good because I still had to wrap my gifts.

Christmas is always fun, here are a few pics I'd like to share...

The stockings were hung by the chimney with care:


The tree was stuffed with presents, and Christmas bling:


Left->Right, Top->Bottom: Jamie, Michael, Nathan, Dad, Adam, Steve, Mom, Aaron, Missy:


Well, after unwrapping gifts we had plenty of time to eat food... Lots of food. Turkey, ham, Christmas cookies, fudge, nanaimo bars, peanut butter marshmallow squares, chocolate, nuts covered in chocolate, truffles, and egg nog... It will take a few workouts to really put a dent in the calories I consumed this past week.

Later in the week we went to our Aunt and Uncle's house (Nina and Bill) for more food... Spaghetti and meatballs. So good. But I do need to get on the treadmill for sure.

Anyhow, we also had a chance to play a lot of Wii... Enough that I almost threw out my shoulder. Tennis, boxing, bowling, Super Mario, and of course - Guitar Hero 3. On Guitar Hero Jamie and I blew through expert co-op with very few problems. We had to do "One" a couple of times before beating it, but otherwise it was pretty quick and fun to get through.

And luckily I was able to watch Nathan's band "Lion Ride" in concert at Foggy's. Lion Ride rocked the house and then rocked it some more. I taped the whole thing, and you can see clips of it here...

Anyhow, all things do have to come to an end eventually, so after all the Guitar Hero, rock, and food I got back on the plane to Seattle in preparation for New Years.

Until next time!


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