Tuesday, April 13, 2004

Ski, Bike, Beach, Music...

It was a super sunny weekend.

Friday I took my bike for a ride around the Burke-Gilman/Sammamish River Trail from work to Bothell. The bike rides very well on pavement and I can't wait for Tiger Mt. to open so I can take it on some off road conditions.

Saturday I went skiing at Crystal Mt. The hill is now closed for the summer, but the conditions were pretty sweet. It was really hot and I ended up with a sunburn even after the multiple coats of SPF 30 sunscreen.

Well, Sunday I took the Burke Gilman Trail from Bothell to just past Mathews Beach park. Saw a bald eagle which was pretty cool, and also saw a hit and run accident. Some guy laid into another car and sped through a parking lot exiting on the other side. I couldn't catch the license plate, but there were tons of witnesses.

Relaxed at Golden Gardens to end the day.

Now my bike has twice as many miles on it as when I bought it. So far no complaints other than a hard seat which should be no problem now that I bought some padded shorts.

Saw The Strokes yesterday at the Paramount. The show was good, but not great. No time for a formal review.