Tiger, North Shore, Whistler, Harriet...
Found out on my way to Vancouver this weekend that Harriet died. For those that do not know, Harriet was a turtle which Cheryl and I met in the Brisbane Zoo on our 2001 trip to Australia. Harriet was known as the oldest animal in captivity at 175, and it was even said that Harriet might have ridden with Darwin to London while he was working on evolution. Cheryl has a good write-up here.
This week's Tiger Mountain Tuesday was great! The weather has been so dry lately that the trails were not the least bit muddy. Amazing conditions for Tiger Mt. Shawn just bought an Enduro, and this was his first ride up on Tiger with it. We made pretty good time even though my chain broke on the climb.
When in Vancouver this past weekend I put together my bike, new rear triangle and shock, so I could ride Seymour in the afternoon. Cheryl came with Glade, Jen, and I, and we did a run down CBC, and Neds. The picture here is Cheryl and her new bike:

Sunday we went to Whistler, for the first weekend Garbanzo was open this year. It was great! A bit hot, but we ripped up A-Line, Dirt Merchant, Freight Train, and the other notables. Glade, James, Derek, Ray, and I rode all day, and we met up with Matt and Armando later on for one run. I collided with another rider, but luckily there were no injuries.
That's it for this past weekend.
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