Monday, October 11, 2004

One last run with the Tiger


I wanted to start this one off with a word other than 'well' or 'so' to see how it felt... Not too shabby.

It was the last weekend of the season for Tiger Mt. I took this as another opportunity to torture my bike. I went out with a couple of my esteemed colleagues from work who not only brought a neighbor, but also a couple of dogs which was a first for me. The dogs kept up for the most part, but over the downhill gravel roads where we can top 30mph we had to slow down to ensure they didn't hurt themselves.

It had rained recently, but it was sunny on Sunday. The trail was fairly good for the most part, but really wet on the second half of the first section of singletrack. About 1 mile of flowing water on the trail made it a very wet and cold experience. Biking in this river is one big reason the trail closes. Not only is it a painful experience when it's cold out, but it also really wrecks the trail if done repeatedly.

We had one mechanical (flat tire), but that was all. No big injuries.

That night I had a v-ball game out at SPU. We dominated the games we played. The team we played was good, but didn't have much of a presence at the net. Another thing that really helped was that we were actually passing fairly well for a change.

Anyhow, it was Canadian Thanksgiving this weekend. I wanted to invite folks over for a microwave turkey dinner, but my v-ball got in the way. Shawn and I made turkey pasta today, so I suppose that counts.


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