Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Back in Seattle

Well, I made it back just as the company asks everyone to cancel their business trips to Israel and Lebanon to avoid the situation over there. Looks like I really went at the best time this summer to get a feel for the area, and a sense for the issues therein. I am infinitely glad I went.

We are lucky here. Plain and simple. We don't need airport level security in every mall, we don't need a security guard checking our bags at the grocery store, we don't have tense relations with every country that surrounds us, we don't have to serve in the army every year, we can board any bus without worrying about someone carrying a bomb, and we all have the opportunity to live a healthy comfortable life. It might not always be this way, so cherish it.

The feeling we had on our last supper in Israel last Wednesday night as an apache helicopter flew overhead towards Lebanon was one I will not soon forget. It's the unknown, the stuff you clearly can't control... There was nobody running rampant in the streets, there was no real sign of danger from people nearby, there was no 'clear and present' danger at all... Just the unknown... Does Syria, or Lebanon have the ability to hit Tel-Aviv? Will someone else join in? We thought that they could not hit Haifa, but that was wrong... So who knows...

In Toronto I went to Becky's wedding and visited Ryan/Alana, and Marcel/Amanda. The wedding was great, and I got a chance to meet with a bunch of Wawa folks, so that was worth it.

That's enough for today :)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very glad you're home safely.

- Tony

11:06 PM  
Blogger AJ said...

Me too :)

11:18 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Hey aaron.

Glad you're back. Seeing wawa people must've been great for you. Working at the Quality Inn like I do, I often see wawa folk on their travels. You wouldn't believe how huge Mr. Joanisse (the cop) is nowadays. And not in the "military power" sense like "damn israel is huge!" but just in the "fat" sense.

Hope you're getting back into the swing of things. Many protests re: the war in Seattle? I know that there's been several in Toronto/Ottawa recently... though not too widespread on the news channels. Anyway... just wanted to say Hi... I won't degrade into a rambling politick. :>

I'm eating blueberries that mom and dad picked near Wawa. Damn tasty.


5:02 PM  
Blogger AJ said...

Yo Nathan,
Sometimes I lose track of how long it's been since I've been back to Wawa, and met various people. It's been such a long time since I've spent any real time in Wawa.

The blueberries you get from Wawa taste so much better than the crap you get in the stores over here. Store-bought strawberries have no taste whatsoever.

11:02 AM  

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