Thursday, January 11, 2007

More snow in Seattle

It's been a wild weather year for the Pacific Northwest so far.  Just yesterday another snow storm hit the area snarling traffic and causing all sorts of problems.  I got stuck in some of it.

I was driving between two campus buildings when the problems started.  Given the sheets of ice that quickly formed, multiple cars were not able to make it up a "hill" on my way back to work (even with people trying to help push them).  This subsequently cut the flow of traffic to nothing at all.  Luckily I was near a building parking lot entrance, was able to park my vehicle, and could just walk a quarter mile back to work.

It was certainly an interesting walk.

Nobody was moving, although many were trying, some were abandoning their vehicles while others yelled at them to keep moving.  An ambulance tried to get wherever it wanted to go, but that proved futile.  Even those that were walking had a hard time getting around, and some who were caught off guard by the weather didn't have their jackets, and were stuck waiting for a bus (that probably didn't come) in their t-shirt.

Otherwise the walk was very peaceful and enjoyable.  The snow fell in big flakes softly, slowly.  There was no wind, and the temperature was comfortable given I was dressed for the weather.

I decided to go back to work, have a glass of wine with some co-workers, talk shop, and wait out the weather.  When the highways cleared I threw on my chains, and booted it home.  The west side was in much better condition than the east side of the bridge, so as soon as the roads got better the chains came off and I made it home no problem.

Today most people stayed home from work, so I had to cancel my meetings, and work from home.  Some actually slept at work, which is no fun at all.

Here are a few links related to the weather:

Anyhow, that's enough for now.  Have fun!


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