Boots and Charlie
As many of you know, Cheryl is a big fan of most things furry with four legs. If we lived somewhere out in the country, or worked 9-5, we would definitely consider having a couple dogs – a few retrievers perhaps? Anyhow, with our work/travel schedule, we’ve determined that we do not have the time to properly take care of a dog. To fill the fuzziness void, for Cheryl’s birthday, I gave her the go-ahead to get cats.
Not long afterwards we found ourselves in the ASHA Kitty Harbor shelter, where about 20 kittens were roaming around on the floor, and in various cages. Kitty Harbor is a no-kill shelter that takes kittens in from other shelters that do not have the room to keep them. When we sat down to play with the various kittens I took a liking to “Tom” and “Jerry” as they were called. Cheryl seemed to take a liking to almost any kitten in the place, so apparently it was up to me to determine which ones we should grab. We were looking for 2 since we hoped they could keep themselves busy during the day while we were out.
To make a longer story short we brought home Tom and Jerry:
Who were almost immediately renamed to Boots and Charlie. Boots – because he has four white feet that look a bit like boots, and Charlie – because it popped into Cheryl’s head. The name seemed to fit, so we went with it.
Here’s Charlie in his first few minutes at our house:
Cheryl was pretty excited:
So far they’ve been very good together. Every night they sleep together, and most of the time they aren’t playing around they can be found lying around together somewhere. They are rarely apart.
Here’s them sleeping in a gift basket we got a while back:
Cheryl has already taken them on multiple walks outside:
So, now we have two scratching posts, a feather on a stick, a ball that makes noise when it rolls, and even a laser pointer… But, their favorite toy so far is the brown paper bag that Shawn and Megan brought over for a dinner party.
Here are Boots and Charlie playing in the paper bag:
Here they are on the paper bag:
I think I have about 20 photos of them and the bag.
Anyhow, we’re now on week two with these guys. They were 11 weeks when we got them, and have an easy-to-remember birthday: Valentines day. So far they’re doing great, we took them to the vet for their initial check up today, and they charmed the entire staff – who were all surprised they were so well behaved.
Anyhow, until next time!