Tuesday, October 31, 2006

It's that time of year again

This weekend was my birthday.  It's rare that you get the opportunity to have a 25 hour long birthday, but this year I was able to given it coincided with the day we had to set our clocks back an hour.

Anyhow, we had a great weekend. 

Friday night Cheryl came down and we watched Nacho Libre with a few friends.  The movie was nowhere near as funny as I hoped it would be, I wouldn't watch it again.

Saturday Cheryl and I walked down to the Pacific Science Center to see the Dead Sea Scrolls exhibit - only to find out it was totally booked up for the day by the time we got there...  We salvaged the day by walking down to pike place, getting some salmon, and coming home to cook dinner for Shawn and Megan. 

Saturday night we all got dressed up and headed out on the town.  Cheryl and Megan made custom "11th and Denny" rock star shirts, Shawn was a cowboy, I was a rock star, Trang was green eggs and ham and Henry was the flying spaghetti monster...  That was pretty good.

Sunday Cheryl, Megan, Shawn, and I went to The Farm to get a pumpkin directly from the patch, and to visit their corn maze.  I'd always wanted to check out a corn maze, and this one was a model of Washington state.  Later that night we had a bunch of people over for cake and a pumpkin carving competition. 



Pic: Cheryl carved the bike, me, the scary face

Cheryl took Monday off so she didn't have to drive home at an insane hour.  As a result I also took it off, and we went to Rattlesnake Ledge.  The weather was crisp, and clear, and the views were great.


Pic: Rattlesnake Ledge

I put up a few photos of the weekend here. Check them out!

Also, if you're interested in trying out a few pumpkin carving ideas before committing to doing it on the real thing check this site out.

Until next time!

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

More Shore - Oilcan, Pink Starfish, and Boundary

Wow.  The weather was awesome this weekend. 

I went up to Vancouver and helped Cheryl move her couch Saturday morning.  Later that day she cooked an amazing salmon dinner and we ate with her co-worker Sean, and his family.

Saturday night I installed the derailleur on my bike so I could make an early morning ride with Glade, and some friends (Jay, Steve, and Andrew).  They wanted to meet at the Fromme trailhead by 9am which is ultra early for me because I'd have to leave Cheryl's house by 8am to get there.  Regardless I set the alarm, and hoped we'd get rained out :) 

Sunday morning there was a thick fog and it seemed cold outside.  I heard fog horns in the distance, and thought for sure folks would be late for the ride, so I shut off the alarm and went back to sleep...  Minutes later I got a call from Glade telling me to get my butt out of bed.  Turns out the fog was hanging downtown, and the north shore was warm and sunny.  I couldn't believe it.

We started the arduous climb up to the top of the seventh switchback to enter into Upper Oilcan which was in pretty good shape.  I emerged from the trail with only one wipe out - I sprained my finger mildly when my pedal caught a log on a tight corner causing me to go over the handlebars.

Anyhow, Glade somehow convinced the crew to head down Pink Starfish (a slightly more difficult trail), and I was glad.  The trail had a few shady structures, but overall it was in reasonable shape.  We then went over to Boundary.

Boundary was one of the best trails I'd ridden on the shore.  Ladders galore.  At one point I thought I was in an Ewok village.  A couple of structures were a bit high, but most were do-able, and other than one or two exceptions I rode the whole trail.  Here's a photo of one of the structures.

Anyhow, afterwards Glade helped me throw an MRP Chainguide on my bike.  It looks pretty sweet!

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Internet Explorer 7 - Get it

Internet Explorer 7 has released.  It adds tabs, RSS, better printing, security enhancements, and much much more, so it's a big improvement.

It will be provided via auto-update in the coming months, but it's stable, and worth getting now.  Download it!

Monday, October 02, 2006

More biking! Whistler and R-Line

I haven't posted in a couple of weeks.  Two weekends ago I went up to whistler with Cheryl and her mom.  I rode a ton, and they did a bike ride around the village at the same time: The weather was fabulous!  The next day Cheryl and I hooked up with Glade and Jen to ride Fromme.  We did lower oilcan, which was looking much better than last time I was on it.  They had put in a bunch of trail work on it.

This weekend Cheryl's dad was in town.  I rode R-Line Saturday morning before they arrived.  We took Cheryl's dad over to R-Line Sunday, so I got in two great days of riding.  We did a huge photo session, so we took a ton of great photos!

Here's one of me off the Tobmstone jump on R-Line:

Here's one off the gap:


Here's one off the launch pad:

We took a ton of photos, so check them out.  See if you can find the one that shows what happens when leg meets pedal :)

Until next time have fun!