Tuesday, June 29, 2004

Camping on Mt. Rainier

Last weekend (19th and 20th) I took a trip up to Mt. Rainier to go camping and do a few hikes.

We stayed out at the Ranger Creek Airstrip which as it turns out is a free campsite. Just as I finished setting up the tent the thunder and lightning came... We decided to get out of the campsite and see if we could find better weather near the White River area. We hiked up to the Emmons Vista and by the time we came back to the campsite it had stopped raining, and there wasn't a cloud in the sky.

The next day we drove around to the other side of the mountain to hike near the Carbon River area.

Check out the pictures... (Emmons Vista, the Carbon River, and the campsite)

Monday, June 21, 2004

Updated photo album

Saw a ton of great views this weekend, but I'm tired of typing after updating my photo album. All pics from Jan 6 and later are new on the site. Check them out.

Thursday, June 17, 2004

Van Gogh

Went to the Seattle Arts Museum to check out the Van Gogh to Mondrian exhibit.

Checked out Riding Giants at the SIFF.

The weather wasn't all that great last weekend... Can you tell? I suppose I did take a new hike up off I-90 from exit 47. Not quite sure the name.

The weather forecast is looking pretty sweet for this weekend, hopefully there will be something going on. I did hit Lake Samm for some wakeboarding today, and had the chance to hit Tiger Mt. last night after work for a quick singletrack loop, so the week hasn't been all work.

Thursday, June 10, 2004

Wakeboarding, mt. biking and a new library

Last Friday was pretty sweet. I had the chance to wake up early, and hit lake sammamish for some wakeboarding before work. Some folks on another boat came by and asked us if they could film us and put it up on a new site touting lake sammamish... I may be able to link you to the footage they took of Lutz sometime soon if I ever find it.

Left work a bit early Friday (5pm) because it was so nice and the weekend promised to be crap. I again hit Tiger Mt. and found out that there's plenty of time to get out there and back before dark without having to leave too early.

On Saturday I hiked up to Snow Lake with Shawn and Michele. It rained like mad, and I even got enough water in my cell phone to render it completely useless. Well, the lake was covered in snow would you believe... There was too much snow to actually walk down to the lake. It's easy to forget that there's so much snow up in the trails when you're in Seattle and it's June.

Visited the new Seattle Central Library. Very nice piece of work. It has a spiral walk that loops around from 000 to 999 on 6 different floors without you having to use any stairs.

Watched The Weather Underground. Who knew...

Thursday, June 03, 2004

Long, rainy weekend

Had my first 4 day weekend in a long time. The weather did not co-operate unfortunately. It rained every day. It even hailed pea size hail on me after I decided the weather might be ok to take my bike out on Tiger Mt. Friday.

Well, went to Vancouver Friday night with Amanda and a couple of her friends from soccer. Neither of her friends had ever been to Canada, so helping entertain them over the weekend kept my mind off the crap weather. They had never seen curling, heard the hip, had a bellini, or been to Tim Hortons, but over the course of a couple of days they had experienced those and more. We also took a good hike up near Deep Cove, watched Kill Bill, showed them Stanley Park, Lynn Canyon and took a trip to MEC where apparently the price of poles is much less than in the states.

Bought Digger's compilation at MEC for much less than it would have cost in the states. It's amazing the difference between the first and 5th video in terms of quality, sponsors, and air.

Came back to Seattle, and watched Primer at the SIFF. Not amazing, but it was good.

Outdoor volleyball is starting up here. I went out, played a reverse doubles game and almost gave myself a concussion after diving for a dig. Slow start, but I'll hopefully get into the swing of things soon.