A year of Kayla
What a year!
Looking back at the post I wrote this time last year, it’s amazing how much has changed with Kayla, and overall. I mean, in my post just a week before that we hadn’t even met Kayla.
Here are a few posts from the year to help us remember what she’s already done:
- Kayla’s first days
- Grandpa and Grandma Sauvé’s first Kayla visit
- Kayla tours Southern Ontario for the first time for Vince’s wedding
- Kayla learns how to pull up
- Kayla’s first trek to Whistler
- Kayla’s first trip to the Zoo
- Kayla’s Frey Family visit
- Kayla visits pumpkin patch with Grandma Frey
- Kayla’s first Halloween
- Kayla visits her cousins in Southern Ontario
- Kayla’s first steps on video
- Kayla’s first Christmas
There’s even been a lot since my December post… Cheryl has been keeping everyone up-to-date. Her recent adventures include our PEPS group celebrating a collective set of birthdays (including some good videos of Kayla walking), Kayla visiting her friends in Vancouver, and also our action-packed trip to Kitchener, and Sault Ste. Marie for the holidays! Click here if you missed the 420 photos she posted :) She even made a video post on our Christmas present opening in Seattle.
We managed to take a few pictures and videos of Kayla’s first birthday. Kayla is now running around all over the place, so it’s getting even harder to get a photo of her these days.
The cake: Cheryl decided to innovate on the cake with a fancy moon-theme after an incident with the cake pans left us with many more cake pieces than expected. I think it worked out pretty well. Cake tasted great to me!
We put one single candle on the cake, Kayla waited in anticipation, and Cheryl helped her blow it out:
Large here: Kayla blowing out her candle.
Not sure that Kayla really understood the whole ‘cake’ concept… But she loved the fancy plates!
We eventually decided to give her some help in getting the cake in, then she was a bit more interested in picking up the fork:
Then it was time to open presents!
And, for some video:
Large here: Kayla playing with her birthday legos
Large here: Kayla opening more birthday presents
Large here: Kayla walking, and getting excited about her green coat
Large here: Kayla sitting in a grownup chair
And, this morning we found out she has another two teeth! 8 total now… Always something new :)
Until next time!