Vancouver to Seattle in 8 hours
Well, the weather turned cold these past few days in the pacific northwest (or I suppose if you're in Canada - pacific southwest). As a result my drive home from Vancouver to Seattle took over 8 hours. The border line was fine, and getting to the border from Vancouver was not a big problem, but the road conditions kept me under 35mph for most of the ride, and when I got to Shoreline I was stuck in a 2 or 3 hour wait due to a bus which had slid sideways on I-5 and was not able to move.
Today most people could not make it in to work with the conditions proving too slippery. Many people abandoned their vehicles on the side of the road, and many bus drivers abandoned their busses leaving some folks looking for a hotel to stay in. Amazing. Here are a couple of news articles to check out (Komo 4, Kiro 7).
On a positive note I can now drink tap water. Vancouver had a boil water advisory out for the entire week I was there afecting 1 or 2 million people. It was just lifted though, so it looks like even Cheryl can drink the water now.
Here's a view of Vancouver in the snow:
Here's a view of the snow from the Whistler Peak chair line:
And finally, here are some more photos from the week.
Looks like it's time to go grab some food... Have fun!