Halloween, and a birthday party
Well, Cheryl has been keeping everyone up to date with her Thanksgiving post and her “Kayla hits 9 months” post (where you can experience such adventures as Kayla at the Zoo, Kayla at the trampoline place, and Kayla goaltending).
Since Kayla hit the trampolines we’ve had some Halloween adventures. Halloween happens to be around the time of my birthday, so, for the past few years we’ve had a rock-costume themed Rock Band party. Like, for instance here’s a link to pics of our party from ‘08. At that time Mona had built a poster for the event as well.
Here is Kayla blissfully unaware we are going to turn her into a pumpkin, and rock star in the next few days:
For the rockin’ birthday party Cheryl had a special “My daddy is a rockstar” shirt (modeled after the “My baby’s daddy is a rockstar” shirt that Cheryl is wearing… Complete with pics from previous parties.
We also tried to get Kayla to wear a rockin’ wig, but that lasted about 2 seconds:
Here’s a shot of Cheryl, Kayla, and I before Kayla had to retire for the night:
For the most part we ended up playing a lot of Rock Band 3. Main newness there is the addition of a Keyboard (or Keytar, if you decide to play it like a guitar), and pro-mode for the various instruments. The real Fender Squier is not due out until March ‘11, so I’m going to be holding off until then to play in pro-guitar mode.
Here are a few pics of the party:
The next day was Halloween, so it was time to get Kayla dressed up:
Kayla went out trick-or-treating, but we only made it out to two houses: Our neighbour, and Henry/Trang’s.
Back home, Kayla continues to play with one of her favorite toys (other favorite toy in the background):
Anyhow, Cheryl and Kayla are now in Ontario visiting both friends and family. Kayla had a great trip down, and I’m sure she’s having a blast over there.
Until next time!