USAV Volleyball Tourney
Played a USAV volleyball tourney all day Saturday. I wish that the team would have told me it was in Tacoma... and at 8:30am... Then I may have not been so keen on going. Anyhow, it was fun, we played like crap, and lost big time, but some of the people we played against are going to the USAV nationals at the AA level, so I don't feel so bad.
Evan's birthday party was also Saturday. It's amazing the damage you can do when you've consumed 20+ drinks...
Had breakfast with the birthday crew and headed to green lake for some rollerblading and to toss the football around.
Reffed v-ball at the Eastside Catholic High School, and then played a couple of games to finish off that league at around 3rd place I believe. Then I went over to Marcel and Amanda's, met up with Cheryl, had dinner, shot the crap and went home.
Left work early 1:30 or so, and hiked the Rattlesnake Lake Ledge trail since it was such a beautiful day (and Cheryl took Monday/Tuesday off since it was her birthday). Rattlesnake Lake Ledge is probably one of the best View/Effort ratios in close proximity to Seattle. Since we would otherwise have hit the crappy Seattle traffic, we went golfing at the Cascade Golf Course. I rented clubs and bought balls/tees etc. Hit a few good balls, but I believe I still ended up well over par...
Later that night we grabbed dinner at the Palisade which was really good. You'd be amazed how easy it is to spend over $160+ on a meal for two there (that is if you come from Wawa). It was really good food. King crab, king salmon and steaks all made the bill.
Went to Westport, WA to go see the whales. We actually saw a couple of Gray Whales on our charter, so that was pretty interesting. They came about 30ft from the boat. Drove back in time to play at my Tyee Tuesday league, but I did have to skip out on guitar lessons. Ah well.