Thursday, September 29, 2005
Tuesday, September 27, 2005
I cracked my frame
So the demo 9 is breakable I suppose. I noticed a crack at the top of the back triangle near my back shock. This is somewhat lame... I'm not sure how much it will cost to fix.
Went biking on Seymour this weekend, and the crack did not get worse. I'm hoping to ride the rest of the year without the crack getting much worse.
Tuesday, September 20, 2005
South Sea-Tac and a ripped pair of shorts
Went out to South Sea-Tac this weekend for some local biking. You can't ride the shore or whistler every weekend (well, I can't although I must say I made a good run at it).
So we played in the park, and I hit up the bunny line - which is only the name I gave the trail based on this video of Matt in his bunny suit.
Anyhow, I ramped up pretty well to the flow park and after watching Matt do the Trail gap just outside the park a few times I took a few hits at an 8 ft stump drop. The pic attached is me heading off one of those.
I had one mis-step where I went a bit too fast and blew the landing, had my seat fold down and ended up riding on my back tire... That could have been bad, but really the only casualty was my favorite bike shorts which now have a hole the size of my head in them. No skin, just ripped shorts. That is what I call luck.
Next time maybe I'll try the 12ft trail gap drop.
Friday, September 16, 2005
Cyclo-cross, Cyclocross, Cyclo Cross??
So a co-worker convinced me to try a cyclocross night at marymoor park. I've never ridden a road bike before, let alone a cross bike. Here's a description of cyclo cross is for those who might never have heard of it. I think I'm going to stick to downhill and cross country, but it was a good time anyhow, and I got a bit of exercise too.
I've been pretty quiet these last couple of weeks, went to whistler two weeks ago, it rained there... In fact, the best quote of the weekend was from my friend Dan who text messaged us from whistler while we were on our way up "Time to drink, whistler's a sink" I managed to get in a few runs, but then we left the next day for Cypress Ski Hill which newly opened their bike park this year. That one needs more work. Only a few runs were open, and other than a few sweet sweet wall rides the rest was pretty tame. It will be better next year, but it needs some time.
Last weekend I went to vancouver and did a run up seymour with Glade and Andy. I broke a spoke, but that was it. Three close calls: One gap that was bigger than I thought it would be, one drop that was bigger than I thought it was, and another drop that I kicked out of and landed flat. No big problems though.
Anyhow, until next time...
Thursday, September 08, 2005
Parking ticket... Lame.
Got a parking ticket today. I came home really late from work (12:30 or so) and noticed a sign that was knocked down behind my car (I didn't knock it down). It was too dark to read it and I was too tired to care anyhow.
Well, I should have because now I owe the city of seattle $40. Lame. I guess the city has been good to me so $40 isn't too bad, and in light of recent stories from the south east I think complaining about $40 is not something I should not spend too much time on.
That said, on a related note I finally had the time to go and donate to the hurricane fund today. Our company matches 100% so anything I donate is doubled which is really cool. My thoughts go out to those over in NO.
Friday, September 02, 2005
Pearl Jam at the Gorge
Couple of covers were played: Teenage Wasteland by The Who, and a Tom Petty's Won't Back Down.
The concert was sold out and getting to the parking lot was a bit of a pain... Here's a picture of the lineup...